Creating sustainable change in the educational journey of children in villages is possible with your support! It is possible with your support!
Rural Schools Transformation Network (KODA)
Make a donation to our Akbank account via WIRE TRANSFER or EFT;
Recipient: Köy Okulları Değişim Ağı (KODA)
TL: TR72 0004 6000 2088 8000 4304 64
To our Akbank account
Donation via MONEY ORDER or EFT;
Recipient: Köy Okulları Değişim Ağı (KODA)
TL: TR72 0004 6000 2088 8000 4304 64
You can participate in marathons organized in different cities in Turkey and raise donations on behalf of KODA.
You can make donations on behalf of your loved ones on their special occasions.
Osmanaga District, Sogutlucesme Street, Building No: 56, Gold Bazaar, Flat: 89
Kadikoy, Istanbul
0216 343 73 43
Gazi Pasha Mah. Zafer Cad. No:30
Presidential Residence, First Door, Flat:3
Orhaneli, Bursa
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