Our Values



We care about using our resources in the most efficient way and distributing it equitably, prioritizing the interests of our beneficiaries. We pay strict attention to reveal our criteria transparently and to treat everyone equally in all our selection and decision processes.



We regard humans as part of the nature with their social, emotional, physical, cognitive and spiritual aspects. We appraise child and human development by considering these aspects of the human being together. In all our work, we design approaches and promote practices that will respond to the diversified and changing needs of our target groups in a balanced manner.



When we have a need, we express it clearly and confidently. Because we care about the common goal and each other's well-being, we keep on producing together by actively taking responsibility.



We regard diversity and the differences that come with it as a wealth. In our activities, we strive to ensure the participation of every individual in our target groups without any discrimination. We care that everyone has equal right to speak in all kinds of meetings.



In our progress we are open to changes and innovations, we acknowledge and adapt to changing conditions. We ensure that the activities we carry out have continuity and lasting effects on target groups. Instead of carrying out short-term activities and terminating them, we primarily aim to develop the capacities of the relevant stakeholders (teachers, families, volunteers, etc.) in all our work so that they can take an active role in problem identification and solution. We design our training programs in a way that they can be easily disseminated and serve as a model.



As KODA, we are not a party to any political or religious formation. We establish all our collaborations pursuant to the principle of impartiality. We adopt a transparent approach towards the identities of the people, institutions, associations, etc. with which we cooperate, and their activities in the association.