Our aspiration is the creation of a world in which every child, regardless of their place of birth, whether in a rural or urban setting, has the opportunity to receive a quality education and realize their full potential.

A world where every child can receive a quality education and discover and realize themselves!

KODA in 2023

KODA's Year 2023 Hello, 2023 was a difficult year in which we experienced multiple crises together. This year, we realized how important better education in the village is for our future, and we realized once again the importance of acting together in solidarity. ***

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In this November 24th, we are #TogetherwithTeachers!  

We are #TogetherWithTeachers this November 24th! For 7 years, we have been going on learning journeys with teachers, building communities and moving forward together. We know that working with teachers, producing and implementing is a must for better education in the village. Support for Education in Rural Areas After the Disaster This November 24

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You can join this network by donating, contributing in your specific field as a teacher or trainer, volunteering as a KODA member, collaborating as an institution, or sponsoring our projects. Let's collectively continue to take steps together for a better education for children living in rural!