In this November 24th, we are #TogetherwithTeachers!  

For the past seven years, we've embarked on educational journeys alongside teachers, fostering communities and advancing together. We recognize that collaboration, innovation, and implementation with teachers are vital for enhancing education in rural areas.

On November XNUMXth, through our Post-Disaster Support for Rural Education project, we're focusing on mentorship, social-emotional learning, and family well-being in collaboration with teachers serving in disaster-affected regions.

Under our Teacher Communities program, #TogetherwithTeachers, we unite and cultivate communities across 16 rural regions. Additionally, through our First Steps Towards Village Schools, we provide activities to help teachers better acclimate to rural settings when they're initially assigned.

Through our First Steps to the Village program, we conduct activities to help teachers adapt better to conditions when they are first assigned to the rural. We work with our staff to help them better adapt to the conditions when they are first assigned to the village. 

To support our efforts #TogetherWithTeachers, click the button below!  Click the button below!